A.) Admission is open to the candidates belonging to all the districts of west bengal and other state candidates residing in west bengal.
B.) The candidates should conform to minimum prescribed physical standard for technical training and should produce a medical certificate to that effect.
C.) Additional weight age will be given to the candidates possessing higher quqlificqtion.
D.) The candidates selected by the selection committee of the institute will be intimated by post or phone to take admission by due date.
E.) All the original certificates along with Madhyamik or class VIII mark sheet,School,College Leaving certificate from the institution last attended,Blood grouping certificate with one set xerox/photo copies must be deposited at the time of admission along with 6 nos. of passport size photograph.
F.) The admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right and may be refused by the principal without assigning any reason thereof.
G.) No extension of time can be allowed after the fixed date for admission.
I.) Reservation of seats has been made as per government guideline for reserved categories keeping in view the Academic standards and numbers of applications received.